title: OW2 and W3C liaison subtitle: Supporting MiniApps, web technologies and open source in Europe author: Christian Paterson date: 2023-09-21

It’s taken some time getting there, but the W3C and OW2 have agreed a liaison to foster opportunities for co-supported MiniApp and Web Technology actions. See the W3C liaison page.

This is fantastic news. The W3C has been a great supporter of MiniApps, and kindly invested in helping to spread MiniApp awareness. For example, the MiniApp workshops in Spain earlier this summer in collaboration with the University of Oviedo, the City of Gijon and CTIC, the W3C Spain Chapter. As an aside, CTIC was also one of the launch participants of the Quick App Initiative.

Furthermore, the liaison is also a nice recognition of OW2, its position within the European open source ecosystem, and of course its Quick App Initiative.

Both groups are highly complementary; the W3C MiniApps Working Group is focused on technical standardization, whilst the OW2 and its Quick App Initiative (since reborn as the MiniApp Initiative) is focused on experience sharing, use case exploration, collaborative development and outreach.

“OW2 is happy to team with the W3C to support MiniApps, appreciates the dynamism and openness of the Quick App initiative, and hopes to play a lead role in fostering the emergence of open source MiniApp reference implementations along with associated tools, technologies and showcase open source projects.” (Pierre-Yves Gibello, OW2 CEO)